Minnesota Student Survey
Red Lake Falls School District will be participating in the 2025 Minnesota Student Survey for grades 5, 8, 9 and 11. Information about the survey can be found below. Tentative dates of administration is February 2025. Parents with students eligible to participate will receive further information prior to students participating in survey completion.
The MINNESOTA STUDENT SURVEY (MSS) provides youth, parents and caregivers, and their communities a dynamic vehicle for ongoing communication about issues vital to the health, safety, and academic success of youth. Since the survey was first offered in 1989, it has gained a solid reputation as a reflection of the needs and strengths of adolescents. It is a valuable tool for school districts, county agencies, and state agencies in planning meaningful and effective ways of supporting students and families. The survey is voluntary, confidential, and anonymous on the part of students. It is designed to be given to fifth, eighth, nineth, and 11th graders and asks students questions about their activities, opinions, and behaviors. The broad array of issues addressed include substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs), school climate and safety, nutrition, academics, connections with school, family, and community and many other topics. At the senior high level only, there are questions asked about sexual activity and more extensive questions about drug usage. The survey is offered to traditional public elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, tribal schools, alternative learning centers, and to youth in juvenile correctional facilities. Findings for the juvenile correctional facilities and alternative learning settings are reported separately. State, county, and district-level data are made available on the Minnesota Department of Education website. Beginning with 2013, data are available in an interactive format that allows users to customize their view of the results. Data from 2013 through 2022 are available here: https://public.education.mn.gov/MDEAnalytics/DataTopic.jsp?TOPICID=242